Tyr is the most commonly observed residue in functional and na ve CDR positions and plays critical roles in recognition by natural and synthetic antibodies. In four of the 13 Enzastaurin molecular weight positions examined, Tyr is found at the corresponding site in D5, furthermore, Tyr was permitted at these positions and seven others in D5 Lib II but was only strongly fa vored at position 94. In contrast, cationic or polar resi dues were abundant in most positions. These results suggest that LCDR contacts in this context provide polar or ionic contributions to binding, either directly or indir ectly. Position 94, which showed the highest degree of preference for Tyr, was also the residue found to have the highest GAla WT in our previous alanine scanning studies.
Examination of the clones in Table 3, however, demonstrates that Tyr at this position is not an absolute requirement clones 25D6 and 25F1 rival D5 in terms of specificity and affinity yet contain polar residues at position 94. However, both of these clones contained Tyr at other LCDR positions. Another interesting observation is that restrictiveness in positional side chain identity for D5 Lib II selectants against 5 Helix did not correlate with GAla WT values previously observed in D5. For example, Y30 and L96 of D5 were found to have GAla WT 1. 0 kcal mol in the alanine scanning studies but these positions had only moderate functional preferences, and these preferences were not for the WT D5 side chain identities even though Tyr and Leu were encoded in the randomization set at po sitions 30 and 96.
These results match comprehensive scanning studies on the human growth hormone receptor interaction in which hot spot residues correlated with some, but not all, positions that had stringent requirements for side chain identity. Furthermore, the preferred amino acids in the LCDR positions did not correlate with those most frequently observed in the analysis of the 18 VH1 69 related antibodies, and those positions that had the most stringent amino acid preferences were not necessar ily those assigned a high contact score in the structural analysis. Therefore, the functional preferences for LCDR side chain identity are likely context dependent. Among the analyzed clones, the combining site of 25B6 maximizes both hydrophobic and electrostatic features given in the D5 Lib II diversity. By our metrics, 25B6 scFv has a higher relative affinity compared to D5. This clone contains positive charges in positions 30, 50, and 53, and negative charges at positions 92 and 93. Overall, Asp was not a frequent substitute Dacomitinib in this selection, however, Asp at positions 92 and 93 may enhance inter action with the positively charge residues in the N terminal heptad repeat.