These findings

These findings selleck chem Tipifarnib are consistent with data from clinical trials. Paclitaxel Microtubule Associat In a recent analysis, survival data was pooled from 4846 individual patients treated with ipilimumab within clinical studies or the US EAP. The analysis showed a plateau in OS beginning after approxi mately 3 years with follow up of up to 10 years in some patients. Approximately 21% of patients were alive at three years, and survival outcomes did not appear to be impacted by prior therapy, dose or treatment regimen. These data support the durability of long term sur vival with ipilimumab and suggest that if patients re spond to treatment and are still alive 2 or 3 years after treatment, they have a good chance of achieving long term tumour control.

Indeed, among the 24 patients treated at the University Hospital of Siena in the current analysis, 20% were alive at 4 years, further exemplifying the consistency in long term survival outcomes. At the first tumour assessment, 9% of pa tients in this analysis had achieved an objective response. This is also consistent with previous phase 2 and 3 trials of ipilimumab monotherapy in pretreated populations, with rates ranging from 4 11% with ipilimumab 3 mg/ kg and 6 11% with ipilimumab 10 mg/kg. In previous phase 2 clinical trials of pretreated patients who received ipilimumab 10 mg/kg, median OS has been shown to be approximately 10 months. As expected, the median OS reported in this analysis is shorter.

Patients had a particularly poor prognosis and in most cases had failed to respond to one or more prior treatments for metastatic disease. Their disease was therefore very advanced.

Indeed, most patients had M1c disease Anacetrapib at the time of enrolment. Previous studies have highlighted poor PS, presence of visceral disease, Brefeldin_A brain metastases, elevated LDH and disease M stage as statistically significant prognostic factors of poor OS. Interestingly, in this analysis, LDH at baseline was lower among patients who survived more than 3 years than for all treated patients median 280 units/L vs 466 units/L. Con sidering the median OS, tumour responses, and 3 year survival rate of patients analysed here, the efficacy of ipi limumab in a real world setting appears consistent with that observed in selected clinical trial populations.

Beyond week 12, the percentage of patients experien cing an objective response increased.

This apparent evolution in responses may reflect activator Ivacaftor the indirect, immune mediated mechanism of action of ipilimumab. Because it can Lapatinib supplier take time to build an immune response against a tumour, clinically measurable antitumour effects may occur over weeks to months and can be observed after the appearance of new lesions or an initial increase in tumour volume, or in the form of a delayed, slow, steady decline in total tumour volume. In most cases, clinical benefit with ipilimumab comprised durable SD, which is often the predominant response of patients re ceiving ipilimumab.

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