The replicative lifespan of cells depends on the cell type, donor’s species, and donor’s age, but it is directly related to telomerase activity [41–44]. Telomerase is an enzyme which adds specific short sequences to chromosomes ends, aiming at preserving chromosome length and supporting the ongoing cell division [42]. Telomerase Luminespib order activity is decreased by committing and, as a result, it is characteristically high in ESCs, intermediate in haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), and variable, or even absent, in somatic cells [3, 42].
Fetal stem cells FSCs are multipotent cells with the same functional properties of ASCs, but they locate in the fetal tissue and embryonic annexes. Indeed, further analyses are necessary to investigate whether ASCs are the same present in the tissue. selleck chemicals FSCs have been subdivided into haemopoietic ones, located in blood, liver, bone marrow (BM), mesenchymal ones located in blood, liver, BM, lung, kidney and pancreas, endothelial ones found in BM and placenta, epithelial ones located in liver and pancreas and neural ones located in brain and spinal cord [45]. Obviously, the only source of FSCs,
relatively feasible and safe for fetus, is fetal blood [46]. Nowadays a routine procedure for fetal diagnosis and therapy, which are the most diffuse techniques to harvest FSCs, is ultrasound guided accession to fetal circulation [45]. Adult stem cells ASCs are partially committed SCs localized in specific stromal niches. ASCs can be obtained from the mesodermal tissues such as BM [1, 47], muscle [48], adipose tissue [49], synovium [50] and periosteum [51]. SCs have been also isolated from the tissues of endodermal PF-01367338 in vitro lineages such as intestine [52] and from the ectodermal tissues including skin [53], deciduous teeth [54] and nerve tissue [8, 9, 55, 56]. ASCs originate during ontogenesis and remain in a marginal area in a quiescent state as the local stimuli induce their cycle recruitment and migration. In
fact, niche microenvironment, with physical IKBKE contact and chemical dialogue among SCs, stromal cells and matrix, induce ASCs differentiation and self-renewal [57, 58]. Probably, for documented plasticity and easy extraction, several ASCs types, such as HSCs, adipose tissue-derived stromal cells (ADSCs) and derived MSCs, have had and have a historical importance. HSCs are well characterized cells of mesodermal origin deriving prevalently from BM, in particular near endosteal bone surface and sinusoidal endothelium and from peripheral blood. Traditionally HSCs generate all mature blood cell types of the hematolymphatic system including neutrophils, monocytes/macrophages, basophils, eosinophils, erythrocytes, platelets, mast cells, dendritic cells, and B and T lymphocytes. More recently, HSCs have shown to display remarkable plasticity and can apparently differentiate into several non-hemolymphatic tissue lineages [3].