/macrolepiota clade and /macrosporae clade mainly correspond to the current infra-generic classification proposed by Bon (1996). Considering the species with a volva form a well-supported /volvatae clade (Clade 1), we propose a new section to accommodate Epigenetic Reader Domain inhibitor the species with a volva within Macrolepiota. Macrolepiota sect. Volvatae Z. W. Ge, Zhu L. Yang & Vellinga, sect. nov. MycoBank: MB 518351 Stipes basi marginatus-bulbosus, volvatus,
Basidiospora parvula, 15.5 μm minus. Fibulae absentes. Stipe with a volva at the base, annulus simple or only thickening at the edge of the annulus or only somewhat reflexed near the annulus margin, basidiospores less than 15.5 μm in length, clamp connections absent. Type species: Macrolepiota velosa Vellinga & Zhu.
L. Yang in Mycotaxon 85: 184 (2003). Other species included in this section are Macrolepiota pulchella de Meijer & Vellinga, M. eucharis Vellinga & Halling and M. brunnescens Vellinga. Acknowledgements Z. W. Ge would like to thank Dr. D. S. Hibbett (Clark University, USA) for allowing him to generate some sequences in his lab, and Prof. D. H. Pfister for support during his stay in the Harvard University Herbaria. The authors are very grateful to Dr. Selleckchem FHPI C. L. Hou for sending the type material and image of Macrolepiota detersa. Thanks are also due to Dr. T.H. Li, Guangdong Institute of Microbiology (GDGM), and Dr. Y. J. Yao, Institute of Microbiology, AZD3965 cell line Chinese Academy of Sciences (HMAS) for allowing us access to the relevant specimens in their herbaria. This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grants No. 30800004), the Natural Science Foundation of Yunnan Province (No. 2008CD164), the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2008FY110300), the Joint Funds of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Yunnan Provincial Government (No. U0836604) the Hundred Talents Program of the Chinese Academy
of Sciences, for and the National Key Technology R & D Program (No. 2008BADA1B00). Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. References Bellù F (1984) Contributo al genere Macrolepiota Singer-2. Bollettino Gruppo Micologico G. Bresadola 27(1–2):5–20 Bi ZS, Zheng GY, Li TH (1994) Macrofungus Flora of Guangdong Province. Guangdong Science and Technology, Guangdong, p 879, in Chinese Bi ZS, Li TH, Zhang WM, Song B (1997) A preliminary agaric flora of Hainan Province. Guangdong Higher Education, Guangzhou, p 388, in Chinese Bon M (1996) Die Großpilzflora von Europa 3. Lepiotaceae (übersetzt und bearbeitet von F. Medjebeur-Thrun F., Thrun WU). Eching: IHW-Verlag Breitenbach J, Kränzlin F (1995) Fungi of Switzerland, Vol. 4. Agarics 2nd part.