These Decitabine networks are characterized with concepts from graph theory (the mathematical study of networks) and statistical physics.57 Early characterizations of these networks included computation of statistics for the propensity of networks to segregate
into clusters (termed “the clustering coefficient”), the propensity of networks to be globally interconnected (termed “the characteristic path Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical length”), and the simultaneous combination of these two properties (termed “small-worldness”), as recently reviewed.58,59 The analysis of whole-brain networks is however arguably at its most powerful when it localizes functionally distinct or functionally important brain regions solely on the basis of connection patterns associated with these regions.27 The concept of brain hubs is an example of this analysis, and is defined with Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical measures of network centrality (Figure 1b). The archetypal measure of centrality is the degree which equals the total number of connections associated with
a node. Other common measures are the closeness centrality and regional efficiency, both based on the average length of shortest Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical paths from a node to all other nodes, the betweenness centrality, based on the fraction of all shortest paths traversing a node, and the eigenvector centrality, based on the extent with which a node is connected to important nodes in the network. Individual measures of centrality are often highly correlated, and hub nodes should score highly on
several distinct measures.60 Brain hubs in schizophrenia Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical In this section we summarize all recent studies of abnormal hub organization in schizophrenia. These nine patient-control MRI studies have all been published in the last 5 years, and are evenly Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical divided between structural correlation studies, diffusion-imaging tractography studies, and functional correlation studies. We summarize the main findings of these studies below and in Table I. TABLE I. A summary of studies of hub abnormalities Torkinib cell line in schizophrenia. N, number of subjects; A, age of subjects; M, proportion of male subjects; PSS, positive-and-negative-symptom-scale positive symptoms; NSS, positive-and-negative-symptom-scale negative symptoms; … Three studies examine hubs in structural correlation networks of patients with schizophrenia.61-63 Two of these studies61,62 construct networks from structural images of large cohorts of middle-aged subjects with schizophrenia and detect less central hubs in frontal and limbic association areas in schizophrenia; one study62 additionally detects hubs in paralimbic areas in healthy controls, and an increased number of these hubs in schizophrenia.