The standardisation was performed on data from a group of 3889 stillborn fetuses (2203 males and 1686 females) selleck chemical at between 25 and 41 weeks of pregnancy, as well as newborns who died within 24 hours within birth. Levels of somatic development in newborns from monochorional and dichorional pregnancies were compared for the following categories: fetal weeks (from 25 to 40) and lunar months (from 7 to 10), separately, for each sex. At the moment of birth, dichorional twins were characterised
by higher values of body mass, total length and crown and rump length, head circumference, and chest circumference when compared to monochorional ones (Tab. I). Due to the abundance of data, only standardised values (for fetal age) of the studied somatic features for both sexes (Tab. II) was presented in the tables. Variance analysis revealed significant variations between mono- and dichorional twins in terms of morphological development (Tab. III). Twins from monochorional pregnancies did not constitute a morphologically homogenous population. Among these twins,
a group with twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (136 newborns selleck chemicals llc or 68 pairs) was distinguished, equalling 25% of the studied twins. In all of these 68 cases, non-symmetrical development of both twins was observed, which was indicated by a difference in the masses of both foetuses (greater than 20%). In this group, 12 monochorional, monoamniotic pregnancies were diagnosed. Twins from pregnancies complicated by the occurrence of TTTS were characterised by a lower level of development, achieving lower values in the studied somatic features for the respective week of fetal life when compared to monochorional twins without transfusion syndrome (Tab. IV). Intrauterine PTK6 foetal growth inhibition may be caused by morphological-functional lesions within the placenta. Examples of such lesions include: lesions concerning
the structure of the placenta, limitations in the area of maternal-foetal blood exchange, circulatory disturbances, inflammatory lesions, and prematurely separated placenta. Wanting to compare the impact of two risk factors, that is, monochorionocity and placental burdens, the standardised values for somatic features from monochorional twins with placental burdens and those without them were compared by means of the t-Student test with features of mono- and dichorional twins having placentas with numerous morphological-functional lesions. In the group of monochorional twins, the ones without placental burdens achieved higher values of somatic features, but the differences were not statistically significant.