The corresponding isotype matched controls used were FITC IgG1, FITC IgG2a and PE Rat IgG2a, Also, to ana lyze CD83 e pression in double positive PKH26 PKH67 DCs, we used an unlabeled anti CD83 mAb and the corresponding selleck isotype matched control, revealed with an anti mouse IgG1 PerCP. FITC de tran uptake DCs endocytosis was evaluated by incubating 1 106 cells with 1 mg ml FITC de tran for 30 min at 37 C. After washing with Phosphate Buffered Saline, cells were analyzed by FACS. Controls included tubes incubated with FITC D at 4 C to inhibit the endocytic process and a basal uptake performed at 0 time point. Uptake was quantified by FACS analysis. DCs phagocytosis of apoptotic necrotic tumor cells Apo Nec cells were co cultured with iDCs at different ratios in fresh AIM V medium for different time points.
In some e periments DCs were dyed red with PKH26 and Apo Nec cells were dyed green with PKH67 GL. After co culture, FACS analysis was performed and DCs phagocytosis of Apo Nec cells was defined by the percentage of double positive cells. Appropriate controls were performed to set the cytometer for each color. A control for non phagocytic binding of Apo Nec cells to DCs was set by incubating the cells at 4 C for the same time points. in vitro DCs migration DCs migration was assessed in vitro before and after co culture with Apo Nec cells, using a 48 wells chemota is chamber. In the lower compartment, 10 ng ml MIP 1 or MIP 3 were placed diluted in RPMI. Also, random migration was assessed placing RPMI in the lower chamber. DCs were seeded in the upper chamber in RPMI.
Between the upper and lower chamber a 5 m pore polycarbonate mem brane was placed. After 90 min at 37 C, the cells in the upper face of the mem brane were scrapped out and the migrating cells adhered to the lower face of the membrane were stained with Giemsa. Membranes were air dried, mounted onto a glass slide with Canada and the cells were counted under the microscope. Five medium power fields well and 3 wells condition were analyzed. Statistical analysis was performed using Students t Test. Electron microscopy The phagocytic process was also studied by electron microscopy. Co cultured samples were fi ed at different time points with 2. 5% glutaraldehyde in 0. 1 M phosphate buffer pH 7. 4, and then post fi ed in 1% OsO4, washed twice with distilled water and contrasted with 5% uranyl acetate for 2 hs.
After washing and dehydratation, samples were embedded in Durkupan. Ultrathin slices were mounted in copper grids and contrasted with Reynolds lead citrate. Grids were analyzed under a trans mition electron microscope Zeiss 109. Anacetrapib Alternatively, to obtain whole cell pictures, ultrathin slides were obtained in a ultramicrotome, stained with 0. 4% toluidine blue in 0. 1 M carbonate buffer pH 7. 4, mounted in Durkupan and analyzed under light microscopy .