Such brain activation would be in accordance with (yet no definite proof of) the recruitment of prediction processes during MOT. Hypothesis and experimental approach In the current study, we aimed to provide first evidence for the employment
of sensorimotor prediction processes during the parallel tracking of several selleck kinase inhibitor identical objects following arbitrary motion trajectories (MOT paradigm). We operated under the rationale that prediction processes should be reflected by premotor activation during MOT. While potential findings of activation in the DLFC would neither allow for the inevitable conclusion of PM involvement, nor for this PM involvement to be an indicator of prediction processes, we took experimental measures to smooth the way for Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical a respective result interpretation. In order to test our hypothesis, we adopted a standard
MOT task (Pylyshyn and Storm 1988) where participants had to track either two or three out of eight identical objects (for a detailed description, see Methods section). As control condition, we implemented a cognitive task that allowed application Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of identically the same stimulus material in both conditions, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical with an initial cue signaling which task to execute. With this experimental design, we ensured identical visual input and minimized differences between MOT and control condition in regard to level of vigilance and attentional load. We also circumvented the problem of response preparation as a source of premotor activation (Jovicich et al. 2001), as Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical a response was required in both conditions. As described above, previous fMRI studies on MOT (Culham et al. 1998, 2001; Jovicich et al. 2001; Howe et al. 2009) found increased activation in the DLFC. This activation was interpreted to originate from Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the FEF, a region anatomically adjacent to PMd (Paus 1996; Schubotz and von Cramon 2001). Since a major concern was the dissociation between the FEF and the PM, we sought to considerably reduce later confusions regarding the origin of potential activations. To that end, we (1) conducted a behavioral prescreening
and selected participants with minimal eye movements, and (2) functionally localized the FEF and later masked the main contrast (MC) with localizer activation. Methods Participants Participants were recruited via the subject pool of the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences (MPI-CBS) in Leipzig, Germany. Out of 23 that took part in a prescreening (procedure Dichloromethane dehalogenase described below), the 13 participants with the least eye movements and concomitant highest behavioral performance were invited to participate in the fMRI scanning. The data of two participants were later removed from further analyses due to error rates of >25% during fMRI scanning. The remaining 11 participants ranged in age from 22 to 33 (mean age 26.9 years, three female). Experimental conditions: MOT and luminance changes Stimuli Stimuli featured eight identical objects (white squares, roughly 0.