Since there were no baseline differences between the two separate

Since there were no baseline differences between the two separate citrate groups, the citrate data were pooled. When appropriate, data were log transformed to achieve normal distributions. The values for the total mass production rate and mass adsorption rate were ranked, since some values were negative and could not be log transformed. Group differences were evaluated using ��2 or Kruskal Wortmannin 19545-26-7 Wallis tests, where appropriate. To evaluate differences according to anticoagulation regimens in time we used generalized estimating equations taking repeated measurements in the same patient into account. The focus of GEE is on estimating differences between anticoagulation groups and time points, and their first order interaction, i. e. differences between anticoagulation groups over time, and associated P values are reported.

Spearman correlation coefficients were used to express relations. Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries A P 0. 05 was considered statistically significant. Exact P values are given unless 0. 001. Results Patients characteristics At baseline, all patients included in this study met the criteria for SIRS and 18 of 42 patients met the criteria for sepsis. The no anticoagulation group had higher SAPS II Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries and SOFA scores than the other groups. Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries The creatinine concentration at baseline was lower in the no anticoagulation group than in the other groups, as were platelet levels. The prescribed dose was 22 mL kg h in the no anticoagulation group, 22 mL kg h in the heparin group and 23 mL kg h in the citrate group. As there was no off time and no net fluid removal during the study period, the delivered dose equalled the prescribed dose.

The median survival time of the filter was 10 hours in the no anticoagulation group, 17 hours in the heparin group and 45 in the citrate group. In 13 42 patients the filter terminated within 720 minutes. 7 13 in the no anticoagulation group, 3 8 in the heparin group and 3 21 in the citrate group. NGAL was Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries detectable in all plasma and ultrafiltration samples. The concentrations of NGAL at inlet, outlet and in the Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries ultrafiltrate over time during CVVH are presented in Figure 1. Concentrations at inlet and outlet were similar and did not change over time in any of the anticoagulation groups. Concentrations of NGAL in the ultrafiltrate were lower in the citrate group and decreased over time in all groups.

The total mass removal rate and total mass adsorption rate did not differ between groups and remained unchanged over time. The sieving coefficient was low and did not differ between groups with medians ranging from 0. 2 to 0. 4. The sieving coefficient decreased over time in all groups. Also, the clearance of NGAL, calculated from sieving coefficient times ultrafiltration rate, was similar in groups and decreased over time in all groups. from 6 to 2 mL min in the no anticoagulation group, from 10 to 3 mL min for heparin and from 8 to 4 mL min in citrate based CVVH.

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