In the PLS-DA classification, four wildflower and one eucalyptus honey do not
belong to any of the predefined classes, and only one wildflower sample was misclassified as citrus. Fig. 6 shows the predicted data y for the commercial samples and their classification as (A) wildflower, (B) eucalyptus and (C) citrus class. The data support the information in Table 3. For the honeys marketed as A-1210477 order wildflower, two samples were correctly classified, one was misclassified as citrus and four as not belonging to any class. For samples marketed as eucalyptus, five were classified correctly and one as not belonging to any class. The honeys marketed as citrus were all classified correctly. Those results show that in the commercial honeys prediction (18 samples) such as wildflower, eucalyptus and citrus honeys, KNN model correctly classified 28.6; 83.3 and 100% of the samples, respectively; SIMCA model correctly classified 28.6; 0 and 40%, respectively and PLS-DA model correctly classified 28.6; 100 and 100%, respectively. This performance shows the PLS-DA approach to be superior to that reported for KNN and SIMCA methods. By applying PLS-DA, a model describing the maximum separation of predefined classes was obtained. Moreover, these results show the honeys from citrus group to be the most compact one. The results of this study suggested that NMR spectroscopy
coupled with multivariate methods hold the necessary information for a successful classification of honey samples of eucalyptus, selleck citrus and wildflower types. When using PLS-DA classification model to predict honey samples, high classification rates were achieved. However, taking into account the relatively low number of samples used and the data set structure one needs to be cautious about the ability to extrapolate the classification model to predict new samples in routine analysis. Therefore,
it will be necessary to incorporate more samples to develop a more robust method to be commercially used by the industry as an application. The application of chemometric methods to 1H NMR spectra allowed to discriminate the eucalyptus, citrus and wildflower honeys produced in the state of São Paulo, being identified the signals of responsible substances for the discrimination. Moreover, the chemometric methods for pattern recognition had shown that it is possible to classify the commercial honey samples according to the nectar they are generated from. KNN, SIMCA and PLS-DA pattern recognition models had correctly classified all samples through validation set. However, the PLS-DA method demonstrated the high efficiency in NMR data analysis with the aim of classification capability. The PCA analysis also allowed discriminating the honeys that showed some kind of adulteration and identifying the type of compounds involved. 1H NMR spectroscopy is a valid tool for food characterization and the combination with chemometric techniques largely improves the capability of sample classification.