For each included patient we recorded sex, age at death, and time between last visit and death. For patients in the Data at Diagnosis group (423/592, 71.5%) we also noted type of glaucoma (POAG or PEXG), age at diagnosis, and years with a glaucoma diagnosis. The presence of exfoliation syndrome (PEX) was recorded if noted at the time of diagnosis or up to 1 year BMS-754807 mouse later. In addition, all available data were reviewed to clarify if PEX had been documented in eyes that had undergone cataract surgery before the glaucoma diagnosis was established. A diagnosis of glaucoma required that at least 1 eye: (1) showed a repeatable
visual field defect (VFD) consistent with glaucoma and not explained by other causes; or (2) had only 1 visual field test but with a VFD consistent with glaucoma and a corresponding optic disc abnormality; or (3) was already blind (visual acuity <0.05) at time of diagnosis and GDC-0449 research buy had a record of a totally cupped glaucomatous optic disc. Patients were excluded if other disease made it impossible to establish a glaucoma diagnosis with certainty or to determine whether the visual field showed glaucomatous field loss or not (eg, patients with optic disc drusen or endocrine ophthalmopathy). Patients were routinely followed with standard automated perimetry using the Humphrey perimeter (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Dublin, California, USA) 30-2 or 24-2 Full-Threshold
or SITA programs. Visual field defects were defined as glaucomatous if they showed a pattern consistent with glaucoma (eg, a nasal step or a paracentral or arcuate defect). In addition, the Glaucoma Hemifield Test (GHT) had to be classified as “borderline” or “outside normal limits.” Visual fields
were considered reliable Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase if false-positive responses were fewer than 15% and a clear blind spot could be seen in the visual field printouts (threshold value <10 dB). Nonglaucomatous fellow eyes without VF measurements at diagnosis were set to a mean deviation (MD) value of 0 dB, indicating a normal visual field. We registered best-corrected VA and the remaining visual field by measuring the widest diameter of the central visual field at the time of diagnosis or up to 1 year after diagnosis (in the Data at Diagnosis group only) and at the last visit before death (in all included patients). We used the recommendations of the United States Social Security Administration12: a pseudoisopter was drawn by hand midway between points with threshold sensitivity values ≥10 dB and those with values <10 dB on the Humphrey Field Analyzer numerical dB printout (Figure 1). The mean value was used if 2 threshold values were measured at a given test point location. This pseudoisopter was used to measure the widest diameter of the remaining central visual field, to assess if an eye was blind or had low vision. Using the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria for low vision (0.05 [20/400] ≤ VA < 0.