BPA has also been detected in amniotic fluid, cord blood, placental tissue, and breast milk (Chou et al., 2011; Vandenberg et al., 2007); and it can also cross the placenta from the pregnant mother to the fetus (Balakrishnan et al., 2010). In animals, prenatal exposure to low doses of BPA [i.e., doses below the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's reference dose of 50 μg/kg · day; (U.S.EPA Integrated Risk Information
System (IRIS), http://www.epa.gov/ncea/iris/subst/0356.htm)] has been linked to adverse neurodevelopmental, reproductive, and metabolic effects (Richter et al., 2007, Shelby, see more 2008, Vandenberg et al., 2009, vom Saal and Hughes, 2005 and Welshons et al., 2006). Results on the association between prenatal BPA exposure and birth weight are inconsistent
(Chou MAPK inhibitor et al., 2011, Lee et al., 2008, Miao et al., 2011, Padmanabhan et al., 2008, Philippat et al., 2012 and Wolff et al., 2008). Nonetheless, the animal evidence and limited human studies raise concerns that developing fetuses may be susceptible to adverse health effects associated with prenatal BPA exposure. Targeted studies have shown that drinking from polycarbonate water bottles (Carwile et al., 2009) and eating canned (Carwile et al., 2011 and Teeguarden et al., 2011) or processed (Rudel et al., 2012) foods increase BPA exposure in adults. In non-pregnant adults, consuming sodas or meals SPTLC1 not prepared at home has been positively associated with urinary BPA concentrations (Lakind and Naiman, 2010),
while age and household income are negatively associated with urinary BPA concentrations (Calafat et al., 2008). Mexican–Americans have been reported to have lower urinary BPA concentrations compared with other ethnic groups in the U.S. general population (Calafat et al., 2008). Studies in pregnant and non-pregnant adults have also reported high intra-individual variability in urinary BPA concentrations potentially due to factors such as BPA toxicokinetics (e.g., the short half-life of BPA) and changes in xenobiotic metabolism during pregnancy (Braun et al., 2011, Braun et al., 2012 and Mahalingaiah et al., 2008). To date, only a few large population-based studies have evaluated determinants of BPA exposure in pregnant women (Braun et al., 2011, Casas et al., 2013, Hoepner et al., 2013 and Meeker et al., 2013). Smoking, lower education level, consuming canned vegetables at least once per day, and working as a cashier were all positively associated with urinary BPA concentrations in a Cincinnati cohort of predominantly non-Hispanic white pregnant women. BPA concentrations were also positively correlated with serum cotinine (marker for environmental tobacco smoke) and urinary phthalate concentrations. Additionally, urinary BPA concentrations were reported to vary according to time of day samples were collected.