As shown in Figure 3A, the Krt5-CrePR transgene causes a signific

As shown in Figure 3A, the Krt5-CrePR transgene causes a significant decrease in the number of p63-expressing cells in the p63lox/lox background (see also Figures 5A and 5I). In these mice, YFP-labeled cells are present throughout the epithelium and colabel with markers of cycling progenitor cells (Ki67), GBCs (Ascl1), committed neuronal precursors (NeuroD1), immature olfactory sensory neurons (N-tubulin), and sustentacular cells (apical staining with Sox2;

Figures 3D–3H). In contrast, there is a striking reduction in basal YFP-labeled cells, as well as lineage-traced cells expressing the HBC markers Krt14 and ICAM1 in the conditional p63 knockout ( Figures 3B and 3C). A similar reduction in Krt14-expressing cells was observed Raf targets at 2 days of regeneration in the

p63lox/lox background ( Figure S3). The decrease in the number of YFP-lineage-traced HBCs in the Metformin datasheet conditional p63 knockout indicates a defect in the ability to maintain HBC cell fate, strongly suggesting a role of p63 in promoting HBC self-renewal. As an independent means of validating this conclusion, we labeled dividing cells with the thymidine analog, EdU, to determine the fates of newly born cells in the HBC lineage. In these experiments, an inducible Krt5-creER(T2) driver ( Indra et al., 1999) was used to excise the floxed p63 gene at a defined time point by activation with a single dose of tamoxifen ( Figure 4A). Injury-induced regeneration was then stimulated with methimazole 36 hr following tamoxifen injection. Proliferating cells in S phase were labeled with EdU 1 day post-injury, just as the newly labeled HBCs began to proliferate (see Figure 2). Tissue was harvested at 3 days of regeneration (2 days following EdU labeling) and analyzed

for the disposition of EdU-labeled, YFP-lineage-traced cells. In the control p63+/ background, we found that EdU label-retaining, YFP-positive cells include both basal and suprabasal cells, indicating that the lineage-traced HBCs give rise to both differentiated progeny (EdU-positive Urease cells in the suprabasal layers), as well as the HBCs themselves (EdU-positive cells in the basal-most layer; Figure 4B). In the p63lox/lox background, however, we observed a reduction of basally localized EdU-positive, YFP-labeled cells, with a persistence of labeled cells in suprabasal layers ( Figure 4C). Quantitation of EdU(+),YFP(+) cells reveals a significant decrease in the number of EdU label-retaining basal cells in the p63lox/lox background as compared to controls (p = 0.014; unpaired two-tailed t test), whereas the number of suprabasal label-retaining cells was not significantly altered ( Figure 4D). The data from these experiments indicate that differentiation of HBCs into more mature olfactory epithelium cell types can proceed in the conditional p63 knockout background.

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