[13] cited by Jones et al [14]:NDVI=(NIR?R)/(NIR+R)(1)2 2 Multi

[13] cited by Jones et al. [14]:NDVI=(NIR?R)/(NIR+R)(1)2.2. Multispectral Plant CameraThe NDVI was used in a multispectral camera (3-chip CCD camera), type MS2100, to discriminate the plant material from the soil background. This custom-made camera measures the reflection intensities in the red, infrared, and green wavelengths and is the main component of a machine vision system for the sensor-based recording of weeds [15].The camera was controlled using the custom-made control software ��DT��, and the picture size is 659 H �� 494 V. Image processing conducted using specialized software (SYMACON GmbH, Barleben, Germany) and includes the erosion of single pixels. Image processing and control software were run on a dust-proofed industrial computer, such as an IPC-r 4 HE (PK Computer GmbH, Eppstein, Germany).

To detect the plant coverage level, only the red (peak wavelength: 670 nm, band pass size: 22 nm) and infrared (peak wavelength: 800 nm, band pass size: 65 nm) reflectance intensities of this 3 chip camera is used. Figure 2(a,b) show examples of red and NIR images of potato plants and soil.Figure 2.Potato plants detected using a multispectral camera. The red channel (a), and the NIR channel (b) were used to calculate the NDVI (c) and the binary images (d) through thresholding.From these images, a pixel-wise NDVI image can be calculated.

Figure 2(c) shows the results, and all of the plant material shows high intensity levels; the shadow regions on the soil are at the middle leve
For decades, many research works have studied different methods to reproduce the movements of a person in electromechanical and robotic systems.

These methodologies allow not only to replicate but also to improve and refine these movements for different uses for the welfare of humanity The teleoperation provides protection and increases the maneuverability of a huge variety of human-operated machines. Some examples are chemical, construction and mining industries and medicine. In the latter case, precise and reliable robotic systems must assist surgeons.Currently, improved control systems for biped walking robots Entinostat has attracted an increase research interest.

One approach is to model and reproduce human-like walking given the angular velocity and acceleration measured by gyroscopes and accelerometers installed on the legs of a person [1].In the work by Nakazawa et al., [2] an artificial vision system composed of 8 cameras captures dancing human movements to be imitated by a robot. In [3], a camera system is presented too, where Brefeldin_A Boesnach et al. introduce the concept of movement oriented to context. This is a third type of movement coming from the combination of task-oriented and position-oriented ones.

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