1,23 About 10% of neverdepressed people have “false-positive” sleep profiles.23 With respect to “false-positive” profiles, less severely depressed U0126 molecular weight patients – particularly younger depressed patients with atypical features such as hypersomnolence – are overrepresented. Although hypersomnolent depressed patients often have relatively normal sleep Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical profiles, a significant minority do manifest increased REM sleep intensity.24,25 It has been suggested that the tendency for long total sleep time may reflect a compensatory phenomenon that permits
more slow-wave sleep across the night. The most common disturbances documented in visually scored polysomnograms are: decreased sleep efficiency (a composite measure that takes into account difficulty falling Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical asleep, nocturnal awakenings, and early-morning
awakening), decreased slow-wave sleep (which reflects decreased stage III and stage IV sleep time), reduced REM latency, and increased REM intensity (which is typically expressed as increased REM density, a ratio of a measure of REM intensity divided by time spent in REM sleep).1,23,24 Depressed men also have a decrease in nocturnal penile tumescence, which is paradoxical given the over-all increase in REM sleep Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical time.25 Computer-scored abnormalities include a decrease in slow wave counts during the first nonREM period and an increase in REM counts during the first REM period.25 None of these disturbances are truly specific to depression and are also observed in other psychopathologic states.24 Increased REM sleep indices, for example, have been observed in eating disorders, some anxiety disorders, schizoaffective disorder, and borderline personality disorder. Reduced REM latency Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and increased REM density also Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical characterize narcolepsy Premature loss of slow-wave sleep and reduced REM latency are also common in chronic forms of schizophrenia, sleep apnea, alcoholism, and degenerative central nervous 3-deazaneplanocin system disorders such as presenile dementia.24 Studies of depression utilizing neuroimaging methods document increased global cerebral metabolism during the
Entinostat first nonREM sleep period; there is also a relative decrease in cerebral blood flow and glucose metabolism during the transition from nonREM to REM sleep.19,20 These abnormalities are thought to reflect nocturnal hyperarousal, which is particularly evident in frontal and prefrontal cortical structures.20 Longitudinal studies of sleep disturbance in depression indicate that some features do not fully normalize follow ing recovery.1 The most state-independent or persistently abnormal disturbances are decreased slow-wave sleep and reduced REM latency, which show some degree of heritability26 and, as such, may represent vulnerability traits. Increased REM density and decreased sleep efficiency are more reversible and therefore are considered to be state-dependent.