10 As shown in Fig 5A, CL58 inhibition of HCV entry

10 As shown in Fig. 5A, CL58 inhibition of HCV entry MK-2206 manufacturer exhibited time dependence and greater than 50% sensitivity was achieved even when CL58 was added 1 hour after the temperature shift to 37°C, indicating that CL58 acts after initial viral attachment. Moreover, anti-CD81 and CL58 exhibited additive effect when added together (Fig. 5A). In addition to CLDN1, CLDN6 and CLDN9 have been demonstrated to render 293T cells susceptible to HCVpp infection,11, 12 whereas CLDN7, the CLDN family member that shares the highest homology with CLDN1, failed to do so.12 For these reasons, we synthesized 18-aa peptides derived from corresponding regions of CLDN6, CLDN7,

and CLDN9. Direct comparison revealed that only CL58, but not counterpart peptides click here derived from the aforementioned CLDNs, was able to inhibit HCVcc infection (Fig. 5B). These results reinforce the idea that anti-HCV activity is a unique property of CL58. To determine the effect of CL58 on HCV envelope

protein-mediated membrane fusion, we set up a cell-cell fusion assay in which 293T acceptor cells, containing a loxP-flanked STOP cassette that blocks transcription of the downstream luciferase reporter gene, were cocultured with Cre-expressing donor cells. In this assay, fusion between donor and acceptor cell membranes removes the STOP cassette and hence permits luciferase production. Shown in Fig. 5C, coculturing donor cells expressing HCV E1E2 with CLDN1-expressing acceptor cells resulted in a more than 10-fold increase in luciferase counts, indicating a successful achievement of cell-cell fusion between donor and receipt cells (Fig. 5C). The addition of CL58 consistently reduced the cell-cell fusion by more than 50%. By contrast, medchemexpress peptides derived from CLDN6, CLDN7, and CLDN9 failed to exert any effect (Fig. 5C). To gain insight into whether CL58 directly participates in the fusion process or acts at an earlier step that is required to enable subsequent fusion, we compared the inhibitory kinetics of CL58 with that of bafilomycin A1, which inhibits

the final fusion, and found that sensitivity of HCVcc to CL58 declined slightly ahead of that of bafilomycin A1 (Fig. 5D). Altogether, these results support a model that CL58 interferes with a process that is just prior to the final intracellular fusion in endosomes. TJs are major components of cell-cell adhesion complexes and are composed of integral membrane proteins, including OCLN and CLDNs. Recent studies demonstrate that several peptides corresponding to ELs of CLDN1 and OCLN disrupt TJ integrity by inducing rapid internalization of TJ proteins.13-17 To determine the effect of CL58 on TJ function, CL58 was added to Caco-2 or Huh7.5.1 cells for the indicated period. As shown in Fig.

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