1–5 The parasite feeds on bacteria and organic debris in freshwater, and exists in three life forms; two of which are infective—the environmentally stable cyst form and the motile amoeboid-form, or trophozoite.8–12 Infective forms invade humans via intact or disrupted nasal mucosa; cross the cribriform plate; migrate along the basilar brain from the olfactory bulbs and tracts to the cerebellum; deeply penetrate the cortex to the periventricular system; and incite a purulent meningoencephalitis selleck chemicals with rapid cerebral edema, resulting in early fatal
uncal and cerebellar herniation.1,2,8–18 PAM cases usually occur when it is hot and dry for prolonged periods, causing both higher freshwater temperatures and lower water levels.2 The incubation period from freshwater exposure and infection to meningoencephalitis may range from 1 to 16 days, but check details is usually 5 to 7 days.2 Significant risk factors for PAM in the United States included male sex and warm recreational freshwater exposures in a seasonal pattern (July–August) in a southern tier state (Table 3).2,13 The background frequency of PAM cases in the United States
was zero to three cases per year over the entire 70-year study period, 1937 to 2007; three of the six cases (50%) in a 2007 cluster investigated by the CDC were males (ages 10, 11, and 22 y) who had been wakeboarding in freshwater lakes.2 The presenting clinical manifestations of PAM mimic acute bacterial meningitis and include presenting symptoms of headache, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, rhinitis, lethargy, fever, and stiff neck. Disorientation, ataxia, cranial nerve dysfunction (anisocoria, altered senses of smell and taste), mental status changes, seizure activity, and loss of consciousness may follow within hours of initial assessment. Initial screening laboratory studies are nonspecific and often GNE-0877 show peripheral leukocytosis, hyperglycemia, and glycosuria. Blood cultures and peripheral blood Gram stains will be negative for bacteria and other microorganisms. The laboratory diagnosis of PAM may be confirmed by one or more
of the following laboratory techniques: (1) microscopic visualization of actively moving N fowleri trophozoites in wet mount preparations of freshly centrifuged CSF, not previously frozen or refrigerated; (2) microscopic visualization of N fowleri trophozoites in stained slide smears of centrifuged CSF sediments, or stained, fixed brain biopsy specimens; (3) microscopic visualization under ultraviolet light of N fowleri trophozoites by immunofluorescent techniques using indirect fluorescent antibodies in slide sections of either hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained unfixed/frozen brain tissue or H&E-stained fixed brain tissue; (4) demonstration of N fowleri DNA by PCR from either CSF or brain tissue samples; or (5) microbiological culture of N fowleri on agar media.