As an example, OxyGene, an anchor-based database of the ROS-RNS (

As an example, OxyGene, an anchor-based database of the ROS-RNS (Reactive Oxygen-Nitrogen species) detoxification subsystems for 664 complete bacterial and archaeal genomes, includes 37 detoxicifation enzyme subclasses [102]. Analysis of CoBaltDB subcellular localization information JNK inhibitor suggested the existence Anti-infection inhibitor of additional subclasses. For example, 1-cystein peroxiredoxin,

PRX_BCPs (bacterioferritin comigratory protein homologs), can be sub-divided into two new subclasses by distinguishing the secreted from the non-secreted forms (Figure 9a). Differences in the location between orthologous proteins are suggestive of functional diversity, and this is important for predictions of phenotype from the genotype. Figure 9 Using CoBalt for the analysis of orthologous and paralogous proteins. A: Phylogenetic tree of 1-cystein peroxiredoxin PRX_BCP proteins and heat map of scores in each box for each PRX_BCP protein. B: OxyGene and CoBalt predictions for SOD in Agrobacterium tumefacins str. C58 and Sinorhizobium meliloti

1021. CoBaltDB is a very useful tool for the comparison of paralogous proteins. For example, quantitative and qualitative analysis of superoxide anion detoxification subsystems using the OxyGene platform identified three iron-manganese Superoxide dismutase (SOD_FMN) in Agrobacterium tumefaciens but only one SOD_FMN and one Selleckchem Omipalisib copper-zinc SOD (SOD_CUZ) in Sinorhizobium meliloti. The number of paralogs and the class of orthologs thus differ between these two closely related genus. However, adding the subcellular localization dimension reveals that both species have machinery to detoxify superoxide anions in both the periplasm and cytoplasm: both one of the three SOD_FMN of A. tumefaciens and the SOD_CUZ of S. meliloti are secreted (Figure 9b). CoBaltDB thus helps explain the difference suggested by OxyGene

with respect to the ability of the two species to detoxify superoxide. Discussion CobaltDB allows biologists to improve their prediction of the subcellular localization of a protein by letting them compare the results of tools based on different methods and bringing complementary information. Etofibrate To facilitate the correct interpretation of the results, biologists have to keep in mind the limitations of the tools especially regarding the methodological strategies employed and the training sets used [93]. For example, most specialized tools tend to detect the presence of N-terminal signal peptides and predict cleavage sites. However the absence of an N-terminal signal peptide does not systematically indicate that the protein is not secreted. Some proteins that are translocated via the Sec system might not necessarily exhibit an N-terminal signal peptide, such as the SodA protein of M. tuberculosis, which is dependent on SecA2 for secretion and lacks a classical signal sequence for protein export [103].

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