Currently, FDA-approved therapies for multiple sclerosis patients

Currently, FDA-approved therapies for multiple sclerosis patients are all aimed at the suppression of immune cell function. The other favored method of treatment is a modulation or deletion of autoreactive immune cells AZD1390 in vivo via short-term blockade of activating co-stimulatory receptors via treatment with fusion proteins such as CTLA4-Ig and

CTLA4-FasL. Based on the initial success of CTLA4-Ig, there are additional fusion proteins that are currently under development. Examples of the more recently identified B7/CD28 family members are PD-L1, PD-L2, inducible co-stimulatory molecule-ligand (ICOS-L), B7-H3, and B7-H4, all of which may emerge as potential fusion protein therapeutics, each with unique, yet often overlapping functions. The expression of both stimulatory and inhibitory B7 molecules seems to play an essential role in modulating immune cell function through a variety of mechanisms,

which is supported by findings that suggest each B7 molecule has developed its own indispensable niche in the immune system. As more data are generated, the diagnostic and therapeutic potential of the above B7 family-member-derived Selleck MI-503 fusion proteins becomes ever more apparent. Besides defining the biology of these B7/CD28 family members in vivo, additional difficulty in the development of these therapies lies in maintaining the normal immune functions of recognition and reaction to non-self-antigens following viral or bacterial infection in the patient. Further complicating the clinical translation of these therapies, the mechanism of action identified for a particular reagent may

depend upon the method of immune-cell activation and the subset of immune cells targeted in the study.”

The bulge stem cell region is a structure important for the regeneration of the pilosebaceous unit. Measurements of the different compartments of a hair follicle may have implications in hair transplantation and hair regeneration studies.


To measure the length of the different portions of the occipital scalp hair and to estimate at what depth they are located.


Hair follicles from the occipital scalp were obtained from 29 individuals. Measurements were performed on digital pictures using a software imaging system. Antibody anticytokeratin (CK), 15 was used as a bulge stem cell marker.


The mean length of a scalp hair follicle is 4.16 mm. The infundibulum measures 0.76 mm, the isthmus 0.89 mm, and the inferior portion 2.5 mm. The insertion of the arrector pili muscle is located 1.65 mm deep. CK15 immunoreactivity starts at a depth of 1 mm and extends down to 1.8 mm.


The ideal depth for the trichophytic procedure is to cut the wound edge at a depth of less than 1 mm to avoid the bulge zone. The data provided can serve as an objective anatomical reference in hair regeneration studies using horizontally transected follicles.

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