The PIC18F4620 microcontroller used has a clock frequency of 4 MH

The PIC18F4620 microcontroller used has a clock frequency of 4 MHz and 3 V draws 1.3 mA in active mode, 430 ��A in PRI_IDLE mode (CPU and peripherals switched off) and 0.1 ��A deep sleep mode [17]. For a duty cycle of 1% and a 21 mA current consumption in listening mode (microcontroller plus transceiver active), and a current inhibitor supplier consumption of 450 ��A in sleep mode (PRI_IDLE mode microcontroller and transceiver powered down), the overall average consumption is 655.5 ��A.However the use of microcontroller��s deep sleep mode (0
In times of higher market prices of fossil fuels and due to the increasing environmental and economic threats of climate change, there will be a rising demand for renewable energy production, such as solar or bio energy. The latter is the focus of the presented paper.

Accurate estimation of Aboveground Biomass (AGB), also referred to as dry total tree biomass, in forested areas is essential for developing Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries sustainable low carbon climate friendly Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries strategies. This includes the reduction of costs for the provision of energy resources, the mobilization of wood in local forests and the optimization Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries of timber harvesting chains in order to minimize the environmental impact. AGB is defined as the total amount of aboveground oven dry mass of a tree, which is expressed in tons Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries per unit area [1]. It can be directly converted to the total carbon content that is stored in a forest. Having knowledge about the spatial distribution of the carbon content is important in understanding the carbon cycle [2].

In contrast to time consuming and expensive field methods Carfilzomib remote sensing such as spaceborne optical remote sensing or synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is capable for mapping area-wide forest inventory (FI) data in a cost effective, fast and accurate way and has been used widely to retrieve AGB [3�C5]. A review of the latest developments in the different fields of remote sensing for forest biomass assessment is given in Koch [6]. Remote sensing based estimates of AGB are mostly based on relationships between reference biomass and various pixel values indicating, e.g., reflectance, greenness of vegetation and/or brightness temperature [7].

However, such methods require an extensive set of reference AGB that can be derived by two major ways: (i) tree specific functions estimating biomass directly from individual tree measurements such as diameter at breast height (DBH), tree height (H), crown length (CL) and/or crown width (CW) [8,9] or (ii) tree specific biomass expansion factors transforming stem volume into AGB [10,11], whereas stem volume is estimated from DBH and H as described in, e.g., Hollaus [12].In recent years Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS), also referred to as Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), has been established as a standard technology for high precision three dimensional topographic data acquisition.

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